Monday, August 27, 2012

Logos I enjoy

Fox logo: I enjoy this logo because the splatters and the font catch my eye very quickly.
Volcom logo: I love the sketchy edges of this logo I really like sketchy designs for some reason.
Skullcandy logo: This logo one means music to me and I love music. Also I find the skull very cutely creepy... does that make sense?
Firefox logo: I loooove the colors in this logo and the way they blend on the fox. Also the way they shade him.
Avengers logo: Very clean nice lines (awesome movie!) and I very like the slightly metally look to the texture.

Symbolism and Logo comparison

        Logos and symbolism are a lot alike in the sense that they both use a picture to depict a meaning, but logos are more commonly used for businesses and marketing where symbolism is more commonly found in art. Logos use symbolism how ever to catch their customers eyes and to represent their product in a shape or design as well as show their company name all in one depiction. The idea of a logo is to let the customer associate the depiction with their product and name, where as symbolism does a similar thing. Like in symbolism they relate the vulture with death or dying, a black cat with evil bad luck, the dove with freedom and or love, and a shield with protection. Logos and symbolism go hand in hand with this though relating pictures with a certain object or meaning. Like when we see the Fox logo we associate it with sport wear and such.